My name is Tracy Norred and I am an Orange County Photographer. I specialize in capturing real moments between families. I absolutely love getting to know my families, and watching children grow over time. It is a joy to capture happy moments.

I'm a mom myself, and the best way to get information is to contact me by email. I'd love to give you more information & find out if I'm the right fit for your family!
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Thursday, July 16, 2009


I have a list of things to do today. Finao teleconference, getting my eyebrows threaded, uploading images, doing a little editing, and responding to emails and Facebook messages.

Oh, and one other thing. One other very important thing. I need to learn the words to the newest Tori Amos album, Abnormally Attracted to Sin! There will definitely be a point today where I sit with the CD insert, listen to the songs over and over, and memorize the words. It sounds like I'm 12 years old, right? Normally the insert rests on the passenger seat of my car, so I can easily look up words or phrases that I can't quite understand (at stop lights, of course!). I can't say why I haven't learned her words this time around. I'm actually not even sure where the CD case and the insert with the lyrics are ... but I will find them ... and I will learn the words!

I'm on a lyric-memorizing kick because I'm headed up to the Greek Theater for Tori's show tomorrow night. I am SO excited! I used to always buy 2 tickets, and drag someone up with me for the show. Tori isn't exactly mainstream, and I usually felt apologetic during the show because my guest came as a favor to me, not because they wanted to see her. At the last show I went to, as I sat next to the empty seat that I held a ticket for, I had a revelation: I'll just buy one ticket, go to the show myself, and rock it out. I'm learning to let go of my inhibitions, and you just might see me dancing in my seat. Yeah, I'm that girl.

Because posts are boring without an image, here's a cool piece of outdoor art at The Living Desert:


Anonymous said...

I will come to any Tori concert with you. Hit me up next time. Great Blog, lady!
Marie : )

Anonymous said...

You're awesome! This might be a moment for a "you go girl!"
-Maggie :)

Anonymous said...

I would go too! :-)

Have a blast!!!

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